

Renato Guttuso (born December 26, 1911 in Bagheria † January 18, 1987 in Rome) was an Italian painter, draftsman, illustrator, set designer, art critic, essayist and politician. He represented a morally motivated realism, which developed above all in contrast with the historical and contemporary realisms.


Peter Scherer


Peter Scherer (born in  1943) is a German Marxist Historian. Scherer studied Social and Economic History in Tübingen and Heidelberg. In 1973 he joined the Department of Education / Educational Policy at the Board of the IG Metall, (the German Labour Union for metal workers) where under the Central Library, he was responsible for the History of the Labor Movement. From 1987 to 2004 he was head of the Central Library of the IG Metall.

Nudo di ragazza in piedi_logo

Martin Schönfeld


Martin Schönfeld was born in 1963 in Berlin. From 1985 to 1993 he studied History of Art Sociology and Educational Science. From 1990 to 2000 he worked freelance as  a Scientist and Publicist in Berlin. Since 2000 he has been working for the professional organisation of artists (BBK, Berufsverband Bildender Künstler) in Berlin.